Self-AwarenessStrong ValuesCommunication Skills Are Essential For Entrepreneurs.

Self-awareness, strong values, and communication skills are essential for entrepreneurs.

Michael Brown Leadership Certified Program will enhance your leadership skills, communication abilities, and professional development. Book a consultation now and start on the path to increased influence, effect, and prosperity.

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Improve productivity, eliminate conflict and build cohesive teams with effective communication skills training.


Engage your audience, with energetic, relevant and practical content to enhance their professional and personal lives.


Build trust and respect by leading your family like a business and your business like a family.


Use a 3-dimensional approach to problem-solving and goal execution with laser-focused coaching and clarity.

Communication skills training and speak for Entrepreneurs and Corporate Leaders

Speak so people will listen. Be heard and understood. Let the Clear Communication Executive Coach help you NOW.

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About us

If you and your team are lacking motivation and direction, or if you are struggling to meet your goals, Michael is here to be your guide.

Strong values and good communication are essential to effective leadership and are cornerstones of a successful team. It all starts with your willingness to know yourself.

Michael is a Maxwell Leadership Certified Team speaker, trainer, coach and  LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® certified facilitator based in Jacksonville, Texas. One of his favorite things to share is the Leadership Game: a fun and incredibly effective way to help leaders and teams understand how to better relate and cooperate with each other. As a result, team effectiveness and productivity can soar.


With over 30 years experience as an entrepreneur and community volunteer working with youth and adults, Micheal has learned just how important it is to understand yourself and be able to authentically relate to and communicate with others. He also loves using creativity to help people learn to see the potential hidden inside themselves and others. Michael is dedicated to helping you and your team get energized and enthusiastic about working together towards a clear vision based on shared values.

If it feels like you and your team are adrift at sea—unsure how to move forward together to achieve your goals, Michael would love to be the lighthouse that guides you through your storm of uncertainty.

With over 30 years experience as an entrepreneur and community volunteer working with youth and adults, Micheal has learned just how important it is to understand yourself and be able to authentically relate to and communicate with others. He also loves using creativity to help people learn to see the potential hidden inside themselves and others. Michael is dedicated to helping you and your team get energized and enthusiastic about working together towards a clear vision based on shared values.

If it feels like you and your team are adrift at sea—unsure how to move forward together to achieve your goals, Michael would love to be the lighthouse that guides you through your storm of uncertainty.

Certified e-speaker and Lego trainer​


Are you eager to attain your maximum capabilities and fulfill your true purpose in life?

Michael Brown Leadership Certified Team can assist you in bridging the divide between your current state and desired future.

Certification Program designed for you

The Michael Brown Leadership Certified Team is made up of individuals from various industries where strong leadership is essential. If you are dedicated to personal development and aim to effect positive change through your influence, then you have found your community

Speaking Topics

Leadership Development

Techniques and strategies for becoming a more effective leader, including how to inspire and motivate others, communicate effectively, and make difficult decisions

Communication Skills

Best practices for communicating clearly and effectively, including how to deliver presentations, lead meetings and handle difficult conversations

Sales and Marketing

Techniques for improving sales and marketing performance, including how to identify and target the right customers, develop effective sales messaging, and use social media and other marketing channels

Team Building

Strategies for building and managing high-performing teams, including how to hire and onboard new team members, promote collaboration and communication, and create a positive team culture

Personal Development

Techniques for achieving personal and professional growth, including how to set and achieve goals, overcome limiting beliefs, and build resilience in the face of challenges

Diversity and Inclusion

Best practices for creating a more inclusive and diverse workplace, including how to recognize and overcome unconscious biases, promote cultural awareness and understanding and create an inclusive work environment

Innovation and Creativity

Strategies for fostering innovation and creativity in the workplace, including how to identify and solve complex problems, develop new ideas and concepts, and encourage experimentation and risk-taking.

Team Building

Strategies for building and managing high-performing teams, including how to hire and onboard new team members, promote collaboration and communication, and create a positive team culture

Speaking Session with Micheal Brown"

special pricing



full conference

(Includes workshop, coffee etc)

Talk to the Editors Session

(ask with editors 2 hours)

Access To Artists Meeting

(Ask questions privately)

All prices exclude 25% VAT



full conference

(Includes workshop, coffee etc)

Talk to the Editors Session

(ask with editors 2 hours)

Access To Artists Meeting

(Ask questions privately)

All prices exclude 25% VAT



full conference

(Includes workshop, coffee etc)

Talk to the Editors Session

(ask with editors 2 hours)

Access To Artists Meeting

(Ask questions privately)

All prices exclude 25% VAT

Now is the time to shape your future, not just endure it. Don't wait to start making the changes you desire.

Postponing important tasks can result in missed chances and unaccomplished objectives. To steer clear of this, schedule a free, no-strings-attached conversation with one of our accommodating Program Advisors. Simply follow these effortless steps.


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Bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

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